Publication Ethics


Przestrzenie Teorii, the journal of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, publishes original theoretical and scholarly articles, reports and relevant texts, studies, literature reviews, as well as case reports and short communications presenting new results of special interest. Founded in 2002 and co-edited and developed in close cooperation with the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, the journal aims to concentrate and provide information concerning literary and scholarly criticism. The journal undertakes to present key and essential problems in the contemporary criticism and theory of literature and provides a platform for transdisciplinary dialogue. With a peer review by an important national and international editorial board, the journal provides and reflects the research interests of authors from across a wide range of universities and colleges in Poland and presents translations of texts of distinguished foreign theoreticians in literature publishing abroad.

We uphold the best standard of publication ethics and take all possible measures against publication malpractices. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the society.

The Editors of Przestrzenie Teorii adhere to the principles outlined below, which have been devised to ensure the accurate, timely, fair and ethical publication of scientific papers. The Editors regularly review the Journal’s editorial policies. The Board of Editors of Przestrzenie Teorii has adopted clear and rigorous guidelines for best working practices in scientific publishing, working in conjunction with our academic partners. Such policies will benefit our authors, editors and readers as we strive for a trustworthy, transparent and efficient publishing process. The rules for reviewing articles adopted by the Journal also conform to the guidelines of the Polish Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education and relate to the ethical principles and best practice guidelines for ensuring scientific integrity and preventing misconduct. The adopted code of conduct for Editors, Authors, Reviewers and Publishers are fully compliant with the Code of Conduct and guidelines provided by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).


The Editors’ decision to accept or reject a paper for publication is based entirely on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the remit of the Journal

Articles are published after the authors agree to transfer all copyrights to Przestrzenie Teorii. The authors should warrant the full originality of their work that should not contain plagiarism or fraudulent data. If they have used the work/words of another author, this has to be cited or quoted. Published articles should contain a list of references and a statement on financial support, when relevant. Also, the authors should not submit manuscripts that have been published in the same form in other journals. If papers closely related have been published elsewhere or presented in different scientific meetings the author must state this when submitting the article.

Authors of original articles or researches should present an accurate account of their results, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. The paper should contain sufficient details to permit its quotation by other authors. Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.

Articles accepted for publication in Przestrzenie Teorii cannot violate the canon of scientific rectitude or ethical principles and standards in science research.

The examples of scientific dishonesty include but are not limited to the following phenomena: “ghostwriting” – when a person when a person significantly contributes to the publication for another person who is named as or presumed to be the author, without disclosing this contribution, or not being acknowledged in the publication), and ”guest authorship”, i.e. honorary authorship ((the granting of authorship status to individuals who have made little (if any) contribution to the article)). Guest authorship is a violation of academic integrity standards, which form the basis of scientific reliability,

If an author discovers errors or inaccurate data in his/her manuscript, it is the author’s obligation to inform the editor and to withdraw or correct the paper. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

The authors have the right to present the published articles at conferences or congresses.

All authors must disclose any financial or personal relationship with people or organizations that could inappropriately influence their work. All sources of financial support have to be mentioned.

Proper acknowledgment must be given. The authors have to mention any publication, person or law that have influence the nature and the results of their work.


The editor of Przestrzenie Teorii can decide which of the article submitted to the journal should be published, while striving to meet the need of readers and authors. Preserving the anonymity of referees is felt to be very important

The editor should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject or accept.

The editor has to follow journal’s policy in matter of copyright and plagiarism.

The journal’s editor should evaluate the manuscripts for their scientific content no matter the race, nationality, religious beliefs, gender or sexual orientation of the authors.

The editor may give information about the manuscript content only to the author, reviewers, publisher or other editorial advisers. When errors are found, editors are expected to promote publication of correction or retractions.

In case of unpublished materials this should not be used by the editor in his/her benefit without the written consent of the author.

The editor has to take into consideration any unethical publishing behavior even it is reported or discovered years after publication.


Reviewers should not assess papers susceptible of conflict of interest resulting from collaboration or any other relationship with the authors.

The reviewer has to be objective, personal criticism being inappropriate. He/She should sustain their viewpoints with solid arguments.

Reviewers have to identify relevant publications not cited by the author and notify any similarity with other published article.

In case of unpublished materials this should not be used by the reviewer in his/her benefit without the written consent of the author. Reviewed articles should be treated confidentially.


All versions of scholarly articles will remain available once published. When multiple versions of the same article are available, the Editors will ensure that these articles are clearly labelled with the date of publication and version number/type.

Permanence of the published record. Preservation of electronic versions of articles in a permanent archive is an essential component of today’s publishing. Przestrzenie teorii has a third-party agreement with the AMUR University Institutional Repository, who administer our archive, and are members of the DART Europe scheme.

The Journal has adopted the DOI (digital object identifier) system to enable accurate citation and stable online availability of our published articles.

Translations of previously published articles acceptable and so are extended versions of conference proceedings acceptable. In these cases the author is expected to give full disclosure for transparency reasons but it could also be necessary for the author to seek approval from the original publisher.

When authors cross over to other disciplines, they should be aware of the explicit policies of the journal in order to manage their expectations.

Anti-plagiarism measures

In order to guarantee originality and high quality of the published articles, the journal follows the established procedures in their evaluation and is a member of the CrossCheck service.

CrossCheck is an initiative established by CrossRef and iThenticate, whose aim is to provide publishers with professional support in preventing plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. The system is a high-quality tool for comparing documents against the largest database of academic content in the world, obtained from numerous publishers.

Any violation of academic integrity standards and all examples of such practices will be disclosed and the appropriate bodies informed (e.g. the institutions which employ the author, scientific societies and associations, scientific editors, etc.). The editorial board will keep record of any manifestation of violating the ethical principles and standards in science.

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